Khamis, 28 Julai 2011

jujur punya penerangan for them ^^

hey . ramai orang tanya sama ada i love them or not . okay . especially for boy . jujur . i had nothing with relationship request . i love this words . ilovepeoplewholoveme so theres no reason why i don't have any pair . okay . senang cerita ada 3 sebab utama yang i memang keras hati mengenai this matter . 

1) a few month ago , i ada pergi kem and they explain me why we cant get involve in this prob . they   explain it very well and pintu hati i pegang ketat ketat perkataan dorang ni 
' lelaki yang sayang kita bukan lelaki yang ajak kita kapel but lelaki yang masuk meminang and he tak pernah tell us about his love sepanjang he friend with her '
2) i keep my mind set to keep saying single is better than couple .
3) tipulah if i cakap i tak pernah having any relationship but cukup sekadar history . i tamau ulang kembali kisah silam and i takmau play with their love . they don't deserve it .

so yes . this girl memang keras hati bab-bab hal macam ni . and i keep pray for Allah to keraskan hati i and show me mr future yang baik . 

p/s : to thoose who think girl sangat lembut hati nya and mudah cair . u wrong sebab when the girl pray for Allah , Insyallah u can't even touch her by your words . ^^